Vegetable Production in Michigan
- Vegetables are grown on nearly 3,047 farms in Michigan (2017 Census of Agriculture). Many of these farms grow small acreages of vegetables (15 acres or less). Most of Michigan's vegetable production is produced on farms growing more than 100 acres.
- Michigan harvested vegetable crops on 165,620 acres in 2017 (Census of Agriculture) with a farm gate value of $535 million (ranking sixth nationally). Excluding potatoes, all other vegetables account for about 115,000.
- Michigan ranks in the top four states for the following vegetable crops: Asparagus (fresh and processed), cabbage (processed), carrots (processed), celery (fresh and processed), cucumbers (fresh and processed), green beans (processed), pumpkins (fresh), radishes (fresh), summer and winter squash (fresh and processed), sweet corn (fresh) potatoes (processed for chips) tomatoes (processed) and turnips.
- Michigan is the largest producing state of cucumbers for pickling and potatoes for chipping. Michigan also ranks first in the nation in the pr oduction of asparagus for processing and summer and winter squash for processing.
- Most of Michigan’s vegetable production is located in counties in the lower two-thirds of the state’s lower peninsula. Vegetables are grown on sandy and muck (high organic content) soils. Celery and onions are the primary crops grown on muck soils. Click here for a map of Michigan (2012 Census of Agriculture) showing the counties with the most vegetable production.
- Michigan produces vegetables for both fresh consumption and processed food products. Important fresh market crops include cucumbers, pumpkins, summer and winter squash, green beans, sweet corn, carrots, celery, onions, radishes, turnips, asparagus, peppers, tomatoes, potatoes and cabbage.
- Michigan processors, as well as processors in other states, use a number of vegetable crops grown in Michigan. Important processing crops include cucumbers for pickles, potatoes for chipping, green beans, asparagus, tomatoes, summer and winter squash, peas and carrots.
Michigan Vegetable Council | 6835 S Krepps Rd, St Johns, MI 48879 | Phone & Fax: 517-663-6725 | Email